Beef & Squash Chow Mein


1 lb of Ground beef

½ tsp of salt or salt to taste

1 tsp of garlic powder

½ tsp of ground ginger

1 tsp Chinese Five Spice

¼ cup of Coconut Aminos Teriyaki Sauce

4 Green Onions

5 Baby Bell Peppers (may sub with 1 large bell pepper), julienned

1 large Carrot, julienned

3-4 yellow squash, cut into noodles

3 Bok Choy (may substitute with Baby Bok Choy), roughly chopped

1 cup of Chinese long beans (about 5 beans), cut into 2 inch pieces

Other veggies as desired

Drizzle of Toasted Sunflower Oil for garnish (optional)


Add ground beef to a hot wok or sauté pan on medium heat and cook until all of the visible pink color of the meat is gone

Then add salt, garlic powder, ground ginger, coconut aminos teriyaki sauce and Chinese Five Spice and continue to Sauté for about 2 minutes or until all the spices mix well with the ground beef

Next increase to high heat and add the green onions and sauté for a minute, then add the remaining vegetables (except for the squash noodles) in the order of toughest to cook. For instance, I add the green beans first sauté for a few minutes, next I add the pepper and carrots, then the bok choy is added last

Once your vegetables are sautéed to your liking remove from the heat, then add the squash noodles and mix together well

Serve with a drizzle of sunflower oil if you like


Do not sauté the squash noodles or they will become mushy

You may substitute the Chinese Long Bean for Green Bean

You may substitute the Bok Choy for Shredded Green Cabbage

Mix it up by adding your own vegetable combinations, mushrooms are a great addition to this dish

Filed in: South American, Beef