Watercress Omelette


3 eggs

salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 tbsp butter

handfull watercress, chopped

feta or cheddar cheese, optional

sautéed mushrooms, optional

1 tsp champagne vinegar

1 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tsp maple syrup

salt and pepper


Beat the eggs with 1 tsp cold water a pinch of salt and plenty of ground black pepper. Roughly chop half the watercress.

Heat a 20cm frying pan, add the butter and when its sizzling, add the chopped watercress and stir to coat in butter.

Pour the eggs into the pan, and stir well to mix. Now shake the pan and cook over a medium high heat for 1 minute until the egg begins to set. Use a wooden spatula to push the cooked egg towards the centre of the pan, so that the raw egg runs to fill its place. Continue until no raw egg remains.

Now cook for a further 20 seconds or so until the top of the omelette has just set. Remove from the heat, scatter half the remaining watercress and the cheese and mushrooms (if using) down the centre, then tip and fold the omelette onto a warm plate. Serve with the remaining watercress drizzled with a little vinaigrette dressing.

Filed in: Breakfast